Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Contents page analysis - Q magazine

The top of the page has a red banner, this is traditional of Q magazine, it's like their trademark colour with the white 'Q', and always has a relevance on each page. It informs the reader of the issue and of the specific page 'contents'. Part of the word is covered by the image of the main artist because he is more recognised and is the main aspect of the magazine. The red of the background of the Jay-Z image and the banner is pulled together by the artist himself as the image has been edited to look like his face is red or at least has a red light shining on him.
There is a showing of the front cover in the top right corner, also referring to what will be the most interesting parts of the magazine. Although there are 10 images, Jay-Z is still the most dominating, he stands out the most and rightfully it's him the magazine is trying to sell as they know how big of an artist he is and the masses of fans they can reach through an interview with such a huge star. And with that huge star it shows the magazine is big enough to afford and be able to get Jay-z to do a feature for them.
The smaller images, including two double page spread previews have their page numbers shown in the corner, so you know what are main topics and can give an insight as to what the article is about. It can also be used as an advertisement because if a reader spot even just a small story is included they may want to buy the magazine and see what the story is, it will strike their interest. Seeing current artists on the front or on the contents page will inform that the magazine knows what it is talking about and are up to date
Because there is so much text, it needs something to break it up, so the images are used in the middle and the text is more or less around, framing them. In a sense there are three sections to the pages, which makes it easier and clear to read. Because people read and look from left to right, the first part of the text has been put on the left which will consist of the bigger, more popular stories and to the right of the images are the last things the reader would look at and so the text, consists of the other stories that are regular in the magazine. The text at the bottom of the pages are the Q reviews, which are in a different colour to the stories and articles to show it's not the same, its shows a professional look, having reviews.
A red line separates the the different stories and makes it easy to locate the different topics. On top of it shows the page number and name of what the article is in a serif font, underneath the line, in a sans serif font, is a quick description of the article. The amount of text and the fact that it is small suggests that there are a lot of stories and they are trying to feed the interests of all of the audience ranges they may have. This could be why the magazine is a popular one and very known.
In my own magazine I hope to include the look of a scrapbook photo, stuck on slightly off angle because i feel it adds personality to the page.

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